Supporting overwhelmed, over worked, and frustrated women to find peace, improve relationships and build resilience.
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Intimate Relationships
About me
I’ve been reading self help books since high school and have always been interested in why people do what they do. When I found myself in a struggling marriage with two young kids I started learning how I could change my own behaviors to create a better life for my family. I found Laura Doyle and spent a year and a half becoming a relationship coach. In finding that I also became certified in wellness and life coaching. I love supporting others through pain and helping them find hope and energy through a new perspective or actionable task to help them get where they want to go. My fitness journey started as a young child. Being a middle child between two brothers, I’ve tried countless sports, workouts, and physical activities. I’ve completed mud runs, finished 9 half marathons, 5 triathlons including a 50 mile race, and pushed my body to the limit training in self defense. I am a certified personal trainer who believes there is no quick fix to anything and every goal is achievable with consistency and passion. I love to watch and celebrate others success probably more than my own! I have two young kids who have taught me so much about life…. You can learn something from everyone and no one has all the answers. Somewhere in there I was introduced to Arbonne, who’s values and products aligned with my vision, and become a consultant to further help others in their journey. My goals in life: 1. Every day be a better version of myself than I was yesterday (that could be as small as the stories I tell myself or as scary as going from accounting to being a fitness coach) 2. Show up at the start line. 3. Finish a full marathon at 70 years old. My favorite part of serving others is witnessing the empowerment others get from realizing their strength when they didn’t think it was possible for them! By changing your perspective you can change your whole world!
"Start where you are. Use what you have.
Do what you can."
- Arthur Ashe
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30 Day Overcome One Fear
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Coaching vs Therapy
Why do I coach others
In the mists of a hard time and tremendous pain (you know the kind I’m talking about, you on the bathroom floor curled up crying by yourself with no answers) I thought I could figure it all out by myself. I didn’t need anyone. Come to find out, I returned to that bathroom floor crying by myself time after time until I “gave up” and reached out for help. Thinking back, me reaching out was actually brave and the start of me opening up to new ideas that changed my life. I don’t miss the bathroom floor! Being a safe place and a witness to others journey while shinning a little hope or highlighting their amazing ability to create the life they want gives my journey purpose. It gives those many years of pain a meaning and understanding. And I truly love watching others succeed!
Benefits of Coaching
Greater sense of
Build Better
age 44
Julie Cole
I found Jamie to be kind and vulnerable in an inspiring way as she listened to me with great empathy. She made me feel heard and shared her own breakthroughs in ways that inspired me to experiment with the skills for the breakthroughs that I wanted.
age 46
Mandy Scott
I loved that you always asked very powerful questions and gave me time to think about my life and what I was wanting to create. I felt very seen, heard and validated. I knew that you were standing with me in my vision and understood what I was hoping to create. I also learned how to be vulnerable and express my desires in a way that’s inspiring.
age 53
Deborah A.
I loved how Jamie really helped me focus on my vision of my future self which allowed me to stay on my paper and focus on my own happiness.
Start your new life Today
I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.
- Jimmy Dean
Call: 713-208-8758